Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Monday, May 3 - email me your book page (8.5" x 14", 300 dpi)
Thursday, April 6 - final projects due (if you choose to have them done early)
Tuesday, April 11, 6 pm - final projects due (if you did not have them done early)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Since the weather has been so bad and I've been negligent in posting this info, your homework assignment will be due on Thursday, not Tuesday. So, for Thursday, I'd like all of you to make a site specific drawing. Which means, you should use the features of the place where you choose to work to help you make your piece. Please look at the above photos of work by Andy Goldsworthy to help guide you. He uses natural features of the landscape (sticks, rocks, leaves) to create drawings. You do not necessarily have to go this route, but I would like you to think about making a drawing, or using materials to create something that serves as a drawing, that exists in a very specific place. Then email what you've done and send me the email.

On Tuesday we will be doing what's known as "drop art". If you are unfamiliar with this term, here's the wikipedia

These days drop art usually refers to leaving a piece of art in an unexpected place so the finder is surprised and mildly confused. In preparation for the open house on Friday, we are going to do secret drop art projects throughout studio arts. I'd like you guys to bring pencils, colored pencils, markers, or whatever materials you think you might like to work with. I will bring paper.